Monday, 4 June 2007

My first experience on the green

My first experience on the green today was all sunshine and thunderstorms.

It started badly, as I perhaps willed it to be. During my practice swings, I swung my club deep into the turf and made quite a few potholes till I was rather embarrassed and decided to do away with the practice swings.

But with the encouragement of the instructor, plus egged on by Thomas's few shots into the bunker, I regained my confidence by focusing hard on just keeping up with the rest. And hey... I actually completed two holes and was getting a promising start on my third when.. egad!.. it rained.

We had to abandon the game.

But what was really nice about the whole trip was the slow ride on the buggy, traversing the gentle sloping terrains and cushy grass, together with Thomas on a Monday morning. Imagine, the start of the work week and I felt like I've just cheated another holiday out of him. Hehe!

Anyway, I was severely encouraged by my virgin golfing experience. Was really starting to doubt the joy of this game - being on the range is not that fun when you don't know how the game is played. Now I'm anticipating getting my PC and handicap, so that when I've finally made it in life, I can come late to work and leave early to catch my daily golf fix.

Now that may be taking it a little too far, but who says I can't dream big?

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