Sunday, 17 June 2007

Looking at the week ahead

Although the last post was an attempt at seeing last week in a slightly positive light, I'm still filled with trepidation at the week ahead.

What unpleasant encounters, stress, uncontrolled situations, fraying tempers will befall me this week? I'm off to 2 countries in 3 days - both new situations that I will have to manage in double quick time. Can I breathe a sigh of relief when I'm back, or will it be worse?

Pray. That's the lifeline God gives us when we're overwhelmed by our situation. I've forgottem that I can pray. Pray that everything will miraculously turn out fine, or even if it doesn't, that I'd be equipped to go through with it. And apart from praying and worrying, there's really nothing much I can do for now.

I swam fifteen laps just now and all I could think of was work. That's how much it consumes me. This little upset at work has thrown my life into imbalance, and I am much disturbed by it. I'm libran, and represented by a pair of scales, I aim to balance everything. I wish someone will tip my scales back to equilibrium, because right now, I'm in a very uncomfortable state, as if everything has been tilted severely to one side and I just cant bring myself back to balance.

So what's next? Pack my suitcase, prepare a list of what i am going to do tomorrow, and pray that the day passes as fast as it can.

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